ALA denuncia a Amazon y Macmillan en respuesta a la investigación del Congreso sobre la competencia en los mercados digitales El informe cita precios abusivos, negación y retraso de las ventas a las bibliotecas por parte de las principales editoriales. Las prácticas actuales de los editores y distribuidores de contenido en los mercados digitales limitan la capacidad de las bibliotecas para ofrecer servicios básicos, según un nuevo informe publicado por la American Library Association (ALA). En…

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Macmillan to Close Its Self-Publishing Unit, Pronoun

Calvin Reid / In a move that surprised many in the self-publishing community, Macmillan has announced that it will cease all operations at Pronoun, a self-publishing platform that it acquired in May 2016. Fuente original: vía Macmillan to Close Its Self-Publishing Unit, Pronoun. Jeff Seroy, senior v-p of publicity and marketing at Macmillan’s Farrar Straus and…

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What Big 5 Financial Reports Reveal About Traditional Publishing

Thad McIlroy / This post examines the latest quarterly financial reports from the big 5 book publishers and tries to draw some conclusions from the data. The big 5 are, of course, Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster. These companies are often seen as emblematic of the state of traditional trade book…

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Conflit dHachette et Amazon : King Kong contre Godzilla

Conflit dHachette et Amazon : King Kong contre Godzilla. Nicolas Gary. 10/05/2014 La tension est montée rapidement, alors que Hachette Book Group a rompu sa tradition de silence autour des négociations commerciales, avec les revendeurs de ses livres. La filiale américaine a accusé directement Amazon d’introduire un délai excessif – et totalement injustifié – pour la livraison…

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